true value

I was raised to believe that value paralleled cost. If something was inexpensive, it held value. Period. We didn’t have much money, and the money we did have was spent sparingly. “How much is it?” was always the first question to cross my parents’ lips.

While I admire frugality, I don’t want to teach my children to equate value with a price tag. Rather, I want to instil a host of other questions: Is it good for the environment? Who had to hurt in order to make this? Is it more loving to buy this, or something else? How does this honour and respect creation? Will I feel guilty when I use this? And ultimately, who am I supporting/what am I condoning by buying this?

I don’t necessarily mean, go organic. Much of the organic industry is bogus. I do mean, go fair trade or go local. Promote sustainability as much as possible. Stop worshiping the almighty dollar, and instead, learn to put people first.

For me, love is what’s truly valuable. No matter the cost. And that is what I want to instil in my children.

1 Comment

  1. Allie said,

    May 5, 2009 at 3:28 pm

    hi ember,
    ‘the things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.’ (Goethe)
    I just wanted to say, thank you for challenging us & equipping us with thoughts, ideas, and prayers… I just love what you said because it speaks of something deeper & more lasting than the economy, our fads, and common practices… it just says “love” and that’s what life’s all about! thanks 🙂

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